Rationale and General Guidelines
The President or the Chancellor may assign a member of the academic staff or an administrative officer on a special detail in the Philippines or abroad for the benefit of the University or of any of its units under the conditions stated in Section 6.3 Special Detail (p. 88).
Faculty members are allowed to go on special detail to attend conferences, seminars and the like, or serve as consultant or resource person, during a semester if the total amount of class missed is not more than 20% of the time for each course s/he is handling during that semester (see Section 4.5 p. 50). The Faculty Manual Update (2005) indicated that faculty members should synchronize their special detail with the semestral schedule (Section 10.2.12, p. 57).

Faculty members and staff who were granted special detail with pay have a required return service obligation at the rate of two years for every year spent on special detail (see Memorandum Series No. 2642 A-16/MLT). Where:
- Special detail with pay is for a period of less than 6 months but not less than 2 months, the return service shall be 1 year
- Special detail with pay is for a period of less than two months, the return service shall be for 6 months
The Board of Regents (BOR) has considered special detail without pay as creditable service in the University, and thus computed as an integral part of their total service record in the University. Faculty members and staff who were granted special detail without pay has also a required return service obligation:
- Required return service is for 1 year for every year of special detail without pay
The Office for the Advancement of Teaching processes two types of applications for special detail (local): long-term special detail and short-term special detail. The faculty member applies for long-term special detail if s/he is assigned on a special detail for one month or more. If the special detail will last for a period less than a month, the faculty member applies for a short-term special detail.
Checklist and Process Flow