Rationale and General Guidelines
The University encourages the development of the faculty members with the available privileges and incentives such as fellowship. Fellowships in the University are supported either by the University or by institutional grants or both. Faculty members may avail of fellowships to pursue advanced degrees in an area consistent with faculty development plan of the college. The faculty students are granted full or partial load reduction to help them complete their studies in the soonest time possible. As stated in the 2003 Faculty manual, the faculty member must meet the following qualifications (p. 153):
- Instructor or Assistant Professor with a regular item
- Not more than 40 years old; however, the age limit may be raised to 50 years for local graduate studies upon recommendation of the APFC and the approval of the Chancellor
- Must pursue a master’s or doctoral program that is consistent with priority areas set by the University

Fellowship is awarded on a year-by-year basis, depending on the academic performance of the Fellow. The requirements of the faculty Fellow are:
- Proof of acceptance into a Graduate Program
- Duly accomplished form (HRDO Form C-7) supported by curriculum vitae, transcript or copy of grades and program of study
- Endorsement of the Department Chair/ Institute Head and Dean/Director
The faculty Fellow is also obliged to accomplish the following:
- Execution of contract and surety agreement with the University
- Submission of progress report and copy of grades to the Unit before renewal of the Fellowship
- Return service to the unit of 1 year for every year of fellowship or a fraction thereof
The same general guidelines for faculty members on study leave with pay apply to faculty Fellows (refer to 2003 Faculty Manual, Section 6.2.1, pp. 75-80). However, there are specific guidelines that apply only to the Doctoral Studies Fund and PhD Incentive Grant (see 2003 Faculty Manual, Section 9.1.4 and 9.1.5, pp. 155-160).
It is the responsibility of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs to keep abreast of these rules, keep the faculty informed and enforce the rules. Applications of faculty members for local fellowship are processed by OAT while all applications for foreign fellowship are processed by the Office of International Linkages Diliman (OILD).
Checklist and Process Flow