Rationale and General Guidelines
According to the 2003 Faculty Manual (Section 6.1, p. 71), members of the faculty, officers and employees have the privilege to enroll in the University at reduced rates. The members shall enroll in courses that are beneficial to their regular work in the University or career development, for not more than 9 units at the undergraduate level, and not more than 6 units at the graduate level a semester.

All full-time and regular part-time faculty members are entitled to 100% waiver of tuition, laboratory and miscellaneous fees (except Student Fund fees) provided that the following conditions stated in the 2003 Faculty Manual are met (Section 6.1.1a, p.72).
- Enrollment should have prior approval from their immediate supervisor, head of unit, and Chancellor
- The total teaching/research and study load shall not exceed 18 units per semester unless with prior approval by the Chancellor
- The applicant should have University appointment during the semester that s/he is applying for reduced fees
- The renewal of this privilege for the succeeding semester shall be subject to satisfactory scholastic performance in the previous semester. The faculty shall submit a true copy of grades to the dean or head of unit and to HRDO as prerequisite for renewal or extension of the privilege
Faculty members who apply for privilege to study at reduced fees do not need to apply for study load credit if they will maintain their required 12 units of teaching load per semester. The dependents of the faculty also have the privilege to study at reduced fees but the Benefits Section of HRDO processes their application.
HRDO evaluates the application of faculty members whether the required conditions are met or not, and decides on the number of units approved for reduced fees. The main role of OAT is to review and approve.
Checklist and Process Flow