Congratulations Dr. Jonathan C. Malicsi, Professor Emeritus of College of Social Sciences and Philosophy – Department of Linguistic, for being Concepcion Dadufalza Grant Lifetime Achievement Awardee. Dr. Malicsi will deliver the Concepcion D. Dadufalza Memorial Lecture today at 6:30 PM, at the Church of the Risen Lord in UP Diliman. You are indeed beyond excellence!

Congratulations, UP Institute of Biology, for attaining Accreditation at Programme Level awarded based on the 119th AUN-QA Assessment!
Congratulations, Institute of Biology, UP Diliman, for attaining accreditation at Programme Level awarded based on the 119th ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) Assessment last 28-30 August 2018. Padayon, UP Institute of Biology! #HonorAndExcellence

Mabuhay ang mga Iskolar-Atleta ng Bayan! #HonorAndExcellence
Congratulations to Elizabeth Capioso for being the 5,000m Walk 3-PEAT Champion this UAAP Season 81. Congratulations as well to Fel Vincent Quetulio for winning as UAAP Season 81 Hammer Throw 4-PEAT champion. Mabuhay ang mga Iskolar-Atleta ng Bayan! #HonorAndExcellence

Congratulations, UP Track and Field Team (Women’s Team), for placing third in the UAAP Season 81 championship game.
Congratulations, UP Track and Field Team (Women’s Team), for placing third in the UAAP Season 81 championship game. We are so proud of you! #nowheretogobutUP

Congratulations UP Track and Field Team (Men’s Team) for being the champion of UAAP Season 81.
Congratulations UP Track and Field Team (Men’s Team) for being the champion of UAAP Season 81. We are so proud of you! #nowheretogobutUP