Tips on How to Make Your (Online) Class a Safe Space for LGBTQ+ Students

Tips on How to Make your Class a Safe Space for LGBTQ+ Students



Happy pride month!


Here are some tips on how to make your (online) class a safe space for LGBTQ+ students:

1. Be visible as an ally.

2. Support students when they come out to you.

3. Respond to anti-LGBT language or behavior.

4. Educate others.

5. Recognize and respect students’ lived names, pronouns, and titles.

6. Discuss ground rules and expectations from the start of the class.

7. Provide clear, thorough, and honest discussion on the guidelines on privacy and confidentiality.


You may download the file through this link:


Thank you, Prof. Bea Torre, for sharing these resources from the Psychological Association of the Philippines – LGBT Psychology Special Interest Group!