Rationale and General Guidelines
The University encourages its faculty members to pursue graduate studies in disciplines/fields that are within the academic priorities of their departments, colleges and the University. To support faculty members in their graduate studies, the University extends to them the following assistance:
- Study/enrollment privilege in the University: All full-time UP faculty members enrolled in one of the University’s graduate degree programs may avail of 100% waiver of tuition, laboratory and miscellaneous fees; they only have to pay the Student Fund fees.
- Study load credit: Faculty members enrolled in a graduate program in any local university may have up to 6 units of study load credited as part of their regular 12-unit load for the semester.
- Study leave: Faculty members may avail of the privilege to enroll full time in the University or in other educational institutions.

Study Leave Eligibility
To avail of full study leave, the faculty member must (UP Diliman Faculty Manual 2003, Chapter 6, Section 6.2.1.a):
- Be tenured or being considered for tenure, and occupying her/his own faculty item at the start of the award. The faculty substituting for one who is temporarily on sick, maternity, or study leave cannot avail of study leave with pay;
- Have served at least 1 year as a regular UP faculty member;
- Enroll in one of the academic priorities of her/his department, college or constituent university as indicated in their faculty development program;
- Preferably not hold rank higher than Assistant Professor; and
- Preferably not be more than 40 years old at the time of the application.
The grant of study leave is subject to the following conditions and restrictions (UP Diliman Faculty Manual 2003, Chapter 6, Section 6.2.1):
- The leave must be approved by the Chancellor.
- The faculty member may apply for a study leave with or without pay. When a faculty member is granted a study leave with pay, s/he enjoys full faculty salary and other benefits for regular faculty.
- A full local study leave with pay is awarded only on a semester-by-semester basis depending on the academic performance of the faculty-student and the need by the department/college for her/his services.
- Faculty members on full local study leave must render return service to the University equivalent to 12 months (1 year) for every year spent on study leave or a fraction thereof. Faculty members on full local study leave without pay render 1 year of service for every 2 years of leave or a fraction thereof.
- The maximum duration for full local study leave with pay is 2 ½ years (30 months) for master’s degree, 4 years (48 months) for doctoral degree after a master’s degree or its equivalent has been earned, 5 years (60 months) for straight PhD Program.
Checklist and Process Flow