We would like to thank the faculty members from the UP CUs and SUCs in NCR and Central Luzon for participating in the Teaching and Learning Activities for SUCs (TaLAS) Course 1: Building a Teaching Effectiveness Program from September 21– 23, 2022 via Zoom. We would also like to thank the UP Diliman Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Development – Office of Extension Coordination, UP Office of…

Either I talk more, or my students won’t! Making Critical Thinking Explicit and Visible with Dialogic Thinking
We would like to thank faculty members for attending this morning’s webinar on Either I talk more, or my students won’t! Making Critical Thinking Explicit and Visible with Dialogic Thinking with Dr. Nadya Patel of Singapore Institute of Technology. Here are some resources that might be helpful for you: 1. Recording of webinar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsVtekgTFx0 2. Slide deck of Dr. Nadya Patel: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eh34KGl-q8JOpjF_TBM1aJwZefTedvMy/view?usp=sharing OAT Team

We would like to invite faculty members to participate in the webinar (part of our ongoing series “Wag MatakOAT! Maki-Blended! (Re)Designing Courses For Blended Learning), entitled “Either I talk more, or my students won’t! Making Critical Thinking Explicit and Visible with Dialogic Teaching,” on 12 September 2022 (Monday), 10AM-11:30AM. Dr. Nadya Patel from the Singapore Institute of Technology will be leading the webinar. Interested participants may register using their UPMail…

Inviting and encouraging new full-time faculty members hired this 2022 to participate in this year’s New Faculty Welcome Assembly on 2 September 2022 (Friday) from 9:00 am – 12:00 nn via Zoom. The event aims to (1) welcome the new faculty in the UPD community; (2) briefly introduce the programs of the Office of the Chancellor Executive Staff; and (3) provide a forum for initial questions. Interested faculty members can…

TaLAS Course 1: Building a Teaching Effectiveness Program
We are excited to launch “TaLAS” or “Teaching and Learning Activities for SUCs” this August! This is our Office’s series of workshops for our colleagues in other UP constituent campuses and state universities and colleges designed to support teaching excellence in higher education. For our pilot offering, Course 1 is on “Building a Teaching Effectiveness Program” for select SUCs. Thank you to our partner, Habi Education Lab, the Office of…

The Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) Answering Module in the Computerized Registration System (CRS) will be open from July 23, 2022 to August 6, 2022 only. This applies to all units except the MBA and MS Finance programs of the Cesar E.A. Virata School of Business, PM-TMEM and ASP. Students may accomplish the SET by logging into their CRS accounts and clicking on the “SET Answering Module.” Those who fail…